Wireless With No Pins!

Until now you either had an ‘open slather’ free access wifi service, with your bandwidth being able to be accessed and abused by anyone; or you needed to have Pins or credit card services in place for a paid service.

Whether you own your system or use another Internet supplier for your hotel system we can eliminate the need for Pins!

As you would appreciate Pins are such a time imposition and disruption for Front Desk staff to manage and our experience with guests is they far prefer the Pin-less access approach and not having the issues of getting and using a pin.

We have developed a Pin-less access system which gives network security for either paid or free access networks. Now your access is easily managed with the correct guests gaining access and any charges being automatically posted to the correct room.

Our ROLLINK system has been tested over some 25,000 connections and currently runs in many IHT hotels. But you don’t need to use any of our other IHT services to benefit from this software! We will install our server onto your existing network and you can use just this aspect of the software or have it fully manage your guest on line options.

To ensure your Wireless network is managed without the hassle for Front Desk and guests, just email Roger Bilson today. And as our research shows some 95% of guests who have both wifi and fixed port options, choose wifi it offers a key guest satisfaction advantage.